Black Out Figure Data
Black Out Images
Black Out File Card Data
Code Name: Black Out
File Name: Stall, Thomas G.
Primary Military Specialty: Tactical Weapons Specialist
Secondary Military Specialty: Sabotage
Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
Black Out’s expertise with long-range sniper rifles is the result of his obsession with accuracy. Black Out has no natural passion for stalking or shooting, rather, persistence and practice have resulted in a high level of accuracy never sparked by any flashes of brilliance. He mistakenly believes that playing all the notes correctly and at the right time is what makes a song. A cold and methodical loner, his psychological records remain sealed to this day.
Black Out feels no love for his brother of sister, and has never understood their strong connection to one another. In their youth, his siblings would play games with the neighborhood kids while he would sit alone and shoot at squirrels with his BB gun. Over the years his eyes have grown cold, and now only ignite when he has an objective in his telescopic sight, quietly judging people from a literal and emotional distance. However, it is this detached proficiency that has made him a deadly addition to Cobra’s H.I.S.S. (Hierarchy of Infiltration, Stealth and Sabotage), which may be the closest thing he has ever had to a family.
“Barrel Roll, you’re a weak pathetic fool just like all your teammates. You live in a world of sentimentality and celebration, while under Cobra there is only domination and destruction. Cross me and I’ll simply crush you beneath my heel!”
Black Out Version History
Black Out Additional Info
Punch Stamp Code 22911