Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor) Figure Data
Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor) Images
Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor) File Card Data
HEAVY DUTY supports the G.I. JOE team with his tactical expertise and muscular might. Already a formidable fighter, he becomes even more powerful when he wears advanced body armor that is light and flexible yet easily deflects weapons fire.
Heavy Duty
Hershel Dalton
Serial Number:
Sergeant (E-5)
Preferred Weapon:
M230-A2 Automatic Cannon Chain Gun
Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor) Version History
- All versions of Heavy Duty
- ARAH versions of Heavy Duty
- Movie versions of Heavy Duty
- Sigma 6 versions of Heavy Duty
Heavy Duty (Reactive Impact Armor) Additional Info
G.I.Joe is a highly trained, classified special operations unit composed of men and woman from around the globe. Officially, these warriors don't even exist. Few know the truth that G.I.Joe fights a secret war, as the first and last line of defense against forces that seek to plunge our world into chaos.
Wherever there's trouble, G.I.Joe is there. Now you know.... and knowing is half the battle!
91728/89096 ASST.
PN 6876020500
Punch Stamp Code 91251